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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

In the interest of full disclosure...

I find myself repeatedly falling off of the wagon and finding it harder and harder to get back on. The damage isn't bad. I was up two pounds yesterday. I didn't check today. I tried on a shirt yesterday that clung to me like shrink wrap. I cried and cried. I am already so tired of this journey and it has only just begun. I haven't even been working out lately!

I have written before about how I don't want to follow any rules but I am wondering if I need some rules. If I had the cash, I would do Jenny Craig. I would love for someone to hand me a menu and the food, no planning, no shopping, no cooking. But that is just not in the budget right now. What is in the budget, that I have yet to do for myself, is to buy the food I need. I keep trying to buy the usual foods for my family and just control my portions. We don't eat crazy, there's not tons of junk food laying around, but at the same time I am not buying myself all of the healthy things I need because I am worried about adding to the grocery budget. I mean, I can't cook for me and get my kids to eat it. I make things I know they'll like and eat. Again, they don't eat poorly but it's not always the best choice for someone trying to lose weight.

So last night I watched the season finale of Thintervention and I was really impressed by the numbers they put up. They weren't Biggest Loser crazy kind of numbers but it was better than the old 1-2 pounds a week standby. I've got the book they used as their eating plan and I've read most of it. I'll admit, I thought it was "too hard." But I am starting to think I need some more structure, so maybe I'll give it a whirl. I'm going to sit down with the spouse and talk about the grocery budget and what I need. If I do go with this program I need to really commit to it. That means eating what I am supposed to eat, and that means cooking a separate meal for myself. And getting back to the gym/running.

Yeah, I could have abandoned this blog, or came back to pretend I have been super busy and all is well. But the truth is, I have been super busy but all is not well. I am in fail mode. I need to fix it. Immediately.

Oh and p.s. I'll be quite happy with the 1-2 pound/week standby, my point is really that they got results.


  1. Have you tried Weight Watchers? The weekly fee is about the same as eating a lunch out, and the focus is on nutrition and portion control. It was a tool that worked for me. I like to cook and WW helped me learn how to buy and prepare healthier foods. I also like to eat out and WW helped me learn how to make better choices when I do.

    Your lament sounds like me when I began my journey last year. You can do this! But if it was easy, then it wouldn't be a problem, right? Find the plan, tools, support you need.

    Hang in there...

  2. I have tried WW a couple of times int he past. I tend to lose about 10 pounds and then lose interest for some reason. I think the giving up part is key for me this time. Even though I keep falling down, the difference this time seems to be that I keep getting back up. I've just made up mind that I am going to keep after it no matter how long it takes.
