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Saturday, November 6, 2010


I am drinking my last Coke Zero. I hope. I was drinking it last night even as I wrote that entry and I capped the rest and saved it for this morning. If I were truly strong I would have poured it down the drain but I knew I'd need caffeine this morning and I figured I should savor the last one. I'm going to switch wholesale to water, except I have to get caffeine somehow. Coffee or tea, I guess.


  1. I find giving something up for a short a week...helps me. I sometimes will go a week caffeine-free and drink only water or decaf tea. I'm a little crabby for the first day or two, but it passes and then the next week I feel like I can drink less coffee or diet soda than normal.

  2. I left you a little present on my blog. Hope you like it!

  3. Thanks! I appreciate the shout-out. :)

    It's going OK, I had one caffeinated drink this morning (not soda!) and water the rest of the day.
