Dillypoo has provided me with much inspiration that I can not only reach my goal but that I can actually look younger when I do! Phew! Thanks for your story and your photos, they give me hope.
Anyhoo, by accepting the Versatile Blogger Award, I have to:
* Thank and link back to who gave me the award.
* Share seven things about myself.
* Pass it along to seven blogs I've recently discovered and enjoy.
* Leave the recipients a note telling them about the award.
Thank you Casey for giving me something to blog about this weekend (and for being an awesome friend and office mate).
Now for seven random things about me:
1.) I love John Mayer. I don't care that he says inappropriate things. OK, well I care but it doesn't make me love him any less.
2.) I am wearing silver toenail polish.
3.) My guilty pleasure is Bravo TV and its many awesome reality shows, The Real Housewives of New York and New Jersey, The Rachel Zoe Project, Flipping Out, Top Chef in all its varieties.
4.) I have a fascination with all things "weird." I love aliens, ghosts and cryptozoology - Bigfoot, Chupacabras.
5.) I love to scrapbook.
6.) I play World of Warcraft. Yes, I am a geek.
7.) I still haven't put away my Halloween decorations. :(
Dillypoo wrote: "Now it's my turn to pass along the award to seven bloggers I like. This is a challenge for me for two reasons. First, I'm a lousy commenter on blogs and therefore don't have as many blog buddies as I'd like. It's something I'm working on. Second, most of the blogs I follow don't seem to be the kind of blogs that pass along blog awards, so we'll see what happens!"
I feel kinda silly even posting this as Dillypoo, you seem to be my only reader! Haha! So, I think I will forego passing this on for now. I am working on the commenting on other blogs thing myself!
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