I realized today that part of my anger over these weight-related articles I am reading is my old fat acceptance ideals popping up. Once upon a time I decided that I was just going to accept this body and love it and treat it well and live happily ever after. I read blogs on the topic and articles and I got it, I really did. I am totally on board with it. But for some reason that I don't understand and therefore can't explain, I can't apply it to me. So, it's why I don't want to diet but don't mind exercising. I just want the pounds to come off because I eat "right" and take care of my body. In other words, I want to accept my body and love it and treat it well but I want the end result of that to be pounds coming off, not me being forever fat. Yeah.
I just get so angry that we're dismissed out of hand as being gluttonous, fat pigs. While I realize that there are people for whom that is accurate, almost everyone has a story that makes things harder. You know we're always being told how "easy" it is, and it's a "choice" to be fat. What about the person who was raised from birth on garbage? What about women like me who suffered through postpartum depression and ate away the pain? What about people who have illnesses? Just because people overeat, or eat the wrong things, doesn't mean they're pigs.
Why does the Fat Acceptance thought process make so much sense to me and yet I cannot apply it to myself? I guess on some level I clearly have not internalized the message as the mere fact that I remain dissatisfied with my body means I don't accept it. I don't even know what my point is, other than I am just very conflicted.
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