This machine is the one that kicked my ass when I first joined the gym. I tried it out and promptly thought my thighs might be on fire. I don't think I lasted even five minutes. Weeks later I tried it again, same thing. I didn't get it. Old people were on this machine, fat people, how could it hurt me SO BAD and not kill them? Well, yesterday I had to take a day off because the blister on my foot was worse than I imagined and there was another wee one on the same foot. Today I said screw it, I'm going in, it was bearable pain today and constant pain, not getting worse, you know? I figured I would try to do half an hour on the treadmill and see how my feet fared and then move to the recumbent bike when I needed to and take the load off of my feet. As I neared the end of my time on the treadmill, I decided I would try the elliptical again and slowly work my way up to more than 5 minutes. I don't know what went wrong on my first two tries, I suspect I was actually doing it backwards, but this time I got it. And Oh. Em. Gee. It was awesome! I was pouring sweat, my feet weren't feeling a thing and I was right at that perfect level of exertion where you're working your ass off but not gasping for breath. I have that lovely, warm, loose feeling today instead of aching feet. YES!
I haven't really given my history here but once upon a time I was in shape, a runner even, and miss that feeling. I had it today. I actually wanted to grin on that elliptical I was feeling so good. The downside is that I really shouldn't have been on that treadmill. Those blisters are KILLING me now. That part was a very bad idea. I am going to see if I can do a whole 60 minutes on the elliptical tomorrow. No more walking on these blisters until they heal.
But still, I figured out the elliptical! Yay me!
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