So, it turns out it was just a glitch and I am now approved to volunteer at school. Yay. But I had turned in an application also to be a substitute teacher and now I am nervous that my application for THAT was rejected due to the glitch that called me a criminal. :/
OK, so, I joined the Biggest Loser Club online when I began this journey. I did it because I got three free books for joining. You can see I am a sucker for books, eh? Anyway, be wary of joining. Whenever I email them their computer chooses some random keyword from the email and spits back the most bizarre responses. I ended up having to call about my books only to be told, oh YOU don't get the free books. No explanation. So I demanded a refund and lo and behold, they decided I could have them after all. But they never came so I called the other day and got some wacky woman who told me that they were on the way and I should send them back when they arrive. Um, OK? She got kind of snarky with me when I asked her why. More time goes by and I call again to get a shipping date and get a lecture about how I should be patient because they take 5-10 business days, pause, realizes it's well past ten days and says, uh but sometimes longer!
Anyway, they finally arrived today, along with the Jackie Warner book I ordered on Wednesday. So, lots of reading to do! I already looked through the Biggest Loser Family cookbook and I am so pleased. There are lots of really tasty looking things in there that I feel sure my family will actually eat. Yesh! Even though they were pains in the ass over the whole thing, that book looks to be worth its weight in gold. Here's hoping everything tastes as good as it sounds/looks!
I am going to start to spend a little more on groceries. I was whining today about wanting to join Jenny Craig so that someone can just hand me my food. But if I can even consider $100/week for food for myself, I can spend a little more than I have been each week to get things that are fresh and for the whole family.
And now I am going to go watch Spirit of the Marathon. I am so inspired by runners and I so want to become one of them again. But more on that tomorrow . . .
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