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Monday, January 17, 2011

Checking in...

I really love this article on weight loss:

How This Weight-Loss Skeptic Lost 60 Pounds and Kept it Off

Warning: includes the "f word" multiple times. Although, if that offends you, you might not want to hang around me.

Anyway, I particularly loved this:

"So here, for anyone who's interested in losing weight or maintaining weight loss, are the nuts-and-bolts details: the specific "how-to" of my so-far successful effort to lose weight and maintain weight loss in an evidence- based manner, while retaining my feminist ideals and my resistance to body fascism. (And for anyone who's not interested in losing weight -- that's totally cool. I'm not evangelizing for weight loss for everyone. The cost/ benefit analysis of weight loss is different for everyone, and I completely support fat people who are genuinely happy with their bodies and aren't interested in losing weight. I just also happen to support fat people who do want to lose weight, and who want to do it in a healthy and sustainable way. Our bodies, our right to decide.)"

I love that. I was recently reading Portia de Rossi's book and toward the end, when she had gained a lot of weight, she talked about how she felt angry at herself for falling for the society ideal hook, line and sinker. But then she said that just as trying too hard to be thin and perfect is one way to feed into society's pressure, being fat is still a reaction. It's giving society a big ol' finger. She was making that statement for her personally, but it rang true for me as well.

I haven't been posting much. Probably because there's not much to report, I am doing WW and I am down seven pounds thus far. I am still not entirely on track with counting everything but I am making progress.

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